A non-profit community-based shelter, rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing provider faced an executive leadership transition during the COVID-19 crisis. With significant strategic and operational challenges the organization’s sustainability was in jeopardy requiring a comprehensive transformation in leadership, management, operations and infrastructure.

  1. Assess, redesign and implement a new organizational leadership and management structure focused on building content area expertise.
  2. Implement structured and consistent operational management processes to ensure ownership, accountability and quality execution across all functional areas (programs, development, finance and administration).
  3. Evaluate and rebuild the organization’s annual budget to ensure a balanced and sustainable financial plan.
  4. Renegotiated existing grant and partnership contracts to improve effectiveness, efficiency and mission impact across all program service areas.
  5. Engage government and philanthropic funders to reposition the organization as an industry leader in quality and capacity.
  • Implemented a high-performing Senior Leadership Team comprised of subject matter experts in each core functional area of the organization.
  • Established consistent and quality execution of weekly team meetings, case conferencing and team member check-ins improving performance outcomes across all organizational areas
  • Achieved a healthy financial position and practices for ensuring future financial stability.
  • Secured new and increased funding for greater mission delivery and community impact.
  • Activated a culture of ownership, accountabilityand excellence to facilitate a smooth and successful leadership transition.