A mid-sized nonprofit with a three-year federal grant needed to develop and implement a new program to achieve the dual goals of sufficient fee-for-service revenue and sustainable demand tosupport renewed funding.

  1. Assessed the current staffing structure and identified strategies to help leverage human resources to both deliver services and generate awareness of the program.
  2. Established official partnerships with both public and private service agencies across the region to expedite referrals and position the program as a necessary partner in their agency’s success.
  3. Developed a custom training to educate and inform referral partners, civic organizations and public housing developments of the service and its important role in community health and safety.
  4. Leveraged existing community public awareness events and activities to educate and inform the broader community of the program.
  • By the second year of the grant the program demand out-performed capacity allowing for further expansion in staffing, clients served and budget.
  • Referral partners including law enforcement, emergency medical services, social services and mental health agencies, as well as private providers established formal contracts.
  • Today, this is a fully self-sustaining program that continues to fulfill a unique niche need in an urban community.